[ Holy Bible Scriptures ] Inspiration About Jesus Christ And The Holy Bible For October 16 2021

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Jesus Christ loves you and is calling you to repent and get rescued from your sins! Get to know Jesus Christ better by studying the Holy Bible every day and learn that God has a plan for your life!

Inspiration: Some people have criticized the church for not showing love and not having any more morals than they do.  These people see one Christian denomination criticizing another denomination instead of loving them.  They say the church is a bunch of hypocrites.  Unfortunate there is no perfect church since Jesus Christ is the only one without sin.  I too was a hypocrite at one time since I was not born-again (John 3:3) nor was I 100% committed to Jesus.  I was a 1 hour a week Christian still being a people pleaser and a partier during the other 6 days a week.  In my twenties I finally became born again by Holy Spirit, committing my life fully to God in a personal relationship with Jesus, making Jesus Lord over every part of my life.  I am now a 7 day a week Christian instead of a 1 hour a week Christian.  I pray that these critical people will see that the hypocrites are often those who are not fully committed to Jesus so are not good examples.  All should look to Jesus and not people as examples.  I pray that all will fully commit their lives to Jesus Christ.  Jesus Christ Is the Light Of The World and Inspiration For All

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tags: godliness, holiness