Inspiration About Jesus Christ And The Holy Bible For December 29, 2020

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Servants For Jesus Christ – 501 C3 Registered Non Profit! Helping the lost find Jesus and be discipled!

Inspiration: A man from Africa shared a story about Jesus’ protection and living by faith.  As a boy, he was walking through the woods in his country one day when a boa constrictor (snake) fell down from a tree on top of him and quickly wrapped itself around his body to squeeze him to death.  As the snaking was squeezing him, he was so scared all he could do was to call on the name of the Lord.  As he said the word “Jesus,” the snake started to unwind itself from his body and slithered off.  There was no one else around so he knew Jesus Christ rescued him from death.Jesus Christ Is the Light Of The World and Inspiration For All

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Jesus Christ loves you so much! Please study the Holy Bible every day to get to know Jesus better and follow Gods Plans!
tags: godliness, holiness