Inspiration About Jesus Christ And The Holy Bible For October 9 2020

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Servants For Jesus Christ – 501 C3 Registered Non Profit! Helping the lost find Jesus and be discipled!

Inspiration: A man spoke to our men’s retreat.  He shared his testimony that he had struggled with sexual sin for over 20 years.  His audience could not believe that this man would humble himself as most people keep this kind of sin in the closet.  God’s power broke him free of this habit when he went forward for prayer at a service.   Now he is sharing his testimony all around the world helping others get free of the sex addictions by the power of the name of Jesus! Jesus Christ Is the Light Of The World and Inspiration For All

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Jesus Christ loves you so much! Please study the Holy Bible every day to get to know Jesus better and follow Gods Plans!
tags: godliness, holiness