Here is a testimony of how you can be delivered from tormenting thoughts in the name of Jesus Christ!
Are you in bondage to fear, depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts?Deceived By a DemonA Testimony from a Servant Of Jesus Christ: How Jesus helped me Escape the deception of a demon. My only desire to share my testimony is for others to read it and to be freed from bondage. If you are in bondage and fearful you may not be able to leave it, know this. It is possible and many people have done it through the benevolence of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Word of God (the Holy Bible) and a Bible believing church that believes in healing and deliverance. Through the Holy Bible Principles of my testimony below, you, too can be completely freed by Jesus Christ! IntroductionWe live in a world with many competing ideas of what is good and what is bad, which religion to follow and is there angels and demons. The notion that we live in such an inclusive society has led many going astray in their search for truth, whether it is talking to spirits, untested religions, or simply relying on money for their security. What all people should know is not only are these ideas destructive to your soul, they are personally dangerous and may even lead you to wanting to end your life. It is not simply Satanists that fall under the spell of this evil being. Believing that there is a spirit out there to deliver you from your damaged marriage or contacting mediums to connect with dead relatives is extremely dangerous, opening the door for a demon or several demons to enter into your life. While many of us believe the spirit realm is just something in the movies, you will learn from my testimony that they are quite real. The devil will work on people slowly, usually finding someone isolated or with low self-esteem or vulnerable or physically ill on which to prey upon. In reality, the devil was defeated by Jesus Christ 2000+ years ago as 1 John 3:8 in the Holy Bible says, “Jesus Christ came to destroy the works of the devil”. Depending on how long you listen to the devil’s counsel, it may take a while to learn you can defeat him and all the evil he brings with him. Through the power in the name of Jesus Christ, and through one of the servants of Jesus Christ on this website, I was brought out of the darkness a demon brought into my life and into the light of God’s peace. This account is a true and accurate description of my experience with a demon. Although I am a woman, my experience applies equally to men. If you are being trapped by the enemy in some way, listening to his lies, or even having regular personal visits from spirits, beware as the enemy often first presents himself as your friend. Only when you become captive, or even begin to enjoy or need his constant attention, will he finally reveal his true character which is to steal, kill and to destroy according to John 10:10 in the Holy Bible. The good news is that Jesus has come to give you the abundant life. The Holy Bible says in Mathew 28:18-20 that Jesus Christ gave all power to the church. All those who make Jesus Christ their Lord and Savior by asking Jesus into their heart to forgive them of all their sins have power over the devil. So this testimony will give you victory if you commit your life to Christ and follow Jesus’ plan for your life as you study the Holy Bible daily. Do not despair! |
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How I unknowingly allowed a demon to enter my thought lifeTo tell you that I was physically exhausted when I began this trial would be an understatement. After dealing with many financial problems, job loss, long term caregiving, a bad marriage and a history of childhood abuse, I felt broken inside and seemed unable to shake my depression. I had grown cold from the church as some churches could not help me with that level of loss. In retrospect, I realize it was my fault for expecting too much from people who were not mature enough to understand the temptations of the devil, but at the time, it cut me off from my main support that kept me going, which was Jesus Christ. I did come from a Christian family but one with not a lot of faith or belief in angels and demons and the incredible power of Holy Spirit. So I felt completely alone in my struggles, which is exactly what the enemy wants us to believe. Having the sadness go on for almost a year with no end in sight, I found myself strangely going back to my childhood icons (this was my first mistake, biblically we are not supposed to hold on to icons), and becoming fixated with a particular Rock Star who had been marginalized, like me. I did not know that the devil was working on me. I eventually became obsessed with learning all about the Rock Star as a way of escaping my painful marriage. Eventually, after spending many hours watching these Rock Star videos, I felt a spirit of strong lust come upon me for this Rock Star. I had been so depressed and exhausted for months with no desire to do anything, I thought perhaps this was a sign of my health and vitality coming back to me. After entering into a spiritual relationship with this ‘Rock Star’, I did not have a problem sleeping. I thought my newfound passion for this internet Rock Star was somehow healing me. I can see in hindsight I was under the devil’s delusion, being so rejected by so many who would not take the time to help me. I felt perhaps that this was actually my soulmate trying to reach out to me. This was my biggest mistake. I had known from Holy Bible readings it was never good to send out lustful thoughts in my mind to someone, but I did it. I reciprocated in my mind these lustful feelings. I just didn’t want to feel pain any more, and the lust provided me with some relief from the emptiness in my life. I thought it was perhaps my ‘soulmate’ reaching out to me, not using ordinary channels in order to save my life from despair. I had read about such encounters on the internet (again a very unreliable and dangerous source of information that introduces people to realms outside of God’s protection) so I thought that perhaps it was possible. It was at that point my thought life became captive. My soulmate (a demon) soon arrived when I was semi asleep, talking me like a guardian angel. He was saying wonderful things to me, about how pretty I was and how hard done by I was. Had I been fully awake during this first visitation, I would immediately crawled away in fear. But because I was semi-conscious, he began having a conversation with me. He would romance me and I even felt him give me feelings of him holding me and consoling me. I began to confide in him, each time, drawing him closer and becoming more dependent on him for my well-being. I felt energized and confident again, as though someone really cared and understood me. What I did not know is that this demon who appeared to be so loving, did have other plans for me, and it was not for my well-being. It was for my total destruction. It was not until I heard this imaginary friend bring in one of his ‘friends’ with him that I realized this was not some sort of intimate love affair but that I was being groomed for some sort of prostitution! It was at that point I realized what I was dealing with was not a “soul mate” but a demon! Suddenly, I began to not want to have conversations with him. He wanted to retaliate which now I see is a big lie. He would cry and make me feel it was my fault, I invited him into my life and that I was being cruel. When that didn’t work, he sent me horrible dreams of putting snakes inside my body, and closing me up into some prison. He played on so many of my emotions. I had no friends with whom I could share my testimony, so I found myself fighting this battle largely alone. Because no one could help me with my feelings of isolation and depression, I ended up turning to websites which are again not terribly helpful as many who have had encounters with demons are not trained in the Holy Bible so they make demons sound far harder to get rid of than they actually are. It was only until I turned to a biblical website where the preacher told me to cast the demons out in the name of Jesus that I finally, unknowingly, got rid of it. I had so many negative images from these evil entities that had attached to my mind that it took 10 hours of rebuking that demon until I finally awoke in the morning to see a vision of a nun in a habit by my bed interceding for me. It was the first time I didn’t have a scary image come into my brain when I closed my eyes all night. It was then I knew the demons did not have total control over my thoughts anymore, but God was showing me a light in the darkness. Then when I saw a vision of Jesus with a lamb on his shoulders coming to save me, I knew Jesus was real and I immediately committed my life to Christ, asking Jesus to save me and be the Lord of my life. I know now that everything in the Holy Bible is one hundred percent true! |
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The Dangers of Turning to the Internet to get out of the devil’s gripIf you read websites that say, ‘I miss my demon lover,’ do not believe them. Those are written by misled men and women trying to lure other people into the devil’s very dark and twisted lair. Satan, of course, is a liar, and tells lies to everyone, but if you were not trained in commanding the devil to go in Jesus’ powerful name, the deception feels like you are being ‘caught in a snare.’ Many people are demon focused and then need to read the Holy Bible such as Psalm 91 that says God gives His angels to protect you. Another Bible Scripture says you command the the devil to ‘Go in Jesus’ powerful name and by Jesus’ powerful blood’. There are tons more angels than there are demons. When the demon persisted in trying to get back into my life he filled me with fear of what he might do to me. We conquer the devil the same way Jesus did when He was tempted by the devil by quoting scripture at the evil temptations. James 4:6-8 says, Resist the devil in Jesus’ name and the devil will flee from you. It was then I realized Jesus had been trying to help me all the time as I had not surrendered all of my life to Jesus. Jesus Christ actually warned me not to get involved with this demon before this trial began, but I did not listen to Jesus and the Holy Bible because the pain in my heart was so bad I just wanted relief. I did not want to do my healing Jesus’ way at the start which was a big mistake. After I cast out the demon, he realized he was fully rejected, and he screamed ‘retaliation.’ Then I realized I could see that the evil spiritual realm was trying to tamper with my body’s nervous system, giving me tons of fear. Soon after that, I had pain in my esophagus so badly that I was almost hospitalized as the fear was so intense. Since I could not tell the doctors of what happened, they merely treated me for stomach ulcers. Because I hadn’t dealt with the root of the problem and did not know spiritual warfare very well (I didn’t realize that any remaining negative fears in my mind were all lies from the enemy), my dreams were still filled with terror. The fiery pain only made my anxiety worse, thinking in fact, the demon had given me some strange sort of virus that would kill me. This went on for three months, with every morning the devil filling me with thoughts of self-hatred and condemnation. Initially, he said I was so wonderful for loving him. Now I was through with him, the devil called me a slut and liar and this is coming from the father of all lies! It’s interesting how the very thing the devil condemns you for is the very thing he tempts you with in the first place! Just like a pimp, once the devil is done with you or you will no longer do his bidding, you will discover how much he truly loathes human beings. Never ever play or get into contact with any spirits like twin flames, astro-projections, occult, séances, contacting the dead or strange yoga religions to alleviate your pain, or you could find you are in a far worse state than you are in now. |
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The Truth about the devil: He is full of lies and has no power in the physical realm unless he can use a person.Some film makers and musicians like to create these fictions about the devil as being this big powerful thing that can defeat God. Nothing could be further from the truth. Yes, the enemy is crafty and yes, he does have some power, but he was defeated by Jesus Christ 2000+ years ago. So this attempt to puff himself up and fill your mind with fear is part of the devil’s fruitcake strategy. Remember, he uses influential people to build him up to be something more than he is. And if you watched a bunch of horror movies like I did as a kid, you might begin to believe these evil lies. But if you turn to the pages of the Holy Bible, the living Word of God, and the only source of truth, you will learn that the devil’s power is limited. If you live according to God’s will, you will be protected if you quote scripture every time the devil tempts you. Only when you go outside of God’s will, like I did to find a ‘twin flame,’ (Fantasy relationship), will you be under the power of foreign gods, which we know from the Holy Bible, leads to brutal Captivity. The demon even attempted to force marriage upon me during those three and half months of captivity and said he would take me to his temple. Again, it was when I was half sleeping, but fortunately, I was still strong enough that I knew not to enter into any sort of binding agreement with this evil entity. Once you know the devil is the father of all lies, you can begin to dismiss the evil thoughts he tries to plant in your head. He may tell you there is a group that is trying to control the world, or that in fact, there are people out there trying to kill you. Let’s be clear about something. No person can control another person and the devil cannot control you. The only way he can get to you is through your thoughts. That is his only weapon. So if you can control your thoughts by changing them to line up with the Word of God (the Holy Bible), then you can kick that fruitcake devil out of your life when he tries to tell you that you are nothing or worthless or that you’ll never get a job again. Again, he speaks all LIES! Even if you have knowingly invited the devil in, you can still cast him out in the name of Jesus as you repent of your sins and surrender all to God. God wants to save everyone. |
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How to get out of the pit you are in: Turn your life over to Jesus ChristAfter many months, I finally was able to find a Bible based church where I was straightened out as these church leaders knew all about the power of Jesus Christ and the healing and delivering power of Holy Spirit. I did not know that once I had repented of my sin, I was forgiven by God and that all attempts of the devil to try to condemn me are, in fact, false. The devil will take up your time bringing up every evil deed you have done in your entire life to make you feel terrible about yourself or remind you of every terrible deed others have done to make you angry and isolated. But as soon as you have repented to Jesus, you are forgiven, so don’t believe in condemnation from the devil. The devil is like a dog with no teeth. Once you realize that Jesus has defeated him 2000+ years ago, there are certain Bible principles you can use to cast him out of your home and to minimize his interference in your life. What you should do if you are in captivity at this very moment or have been released from captivity and are still feeling fear? Follow the Biblical Principles below as you surrender all to Jesus! |
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Holy Bible Principles for getting rid of the enemya) Repent of your sins and surrender all to God, asking Jesus Christ into your heart and to be forgiven of all your sins as Jesus gives you strength to forgive all those who have hurt you. b) Study the Word of God. Read the Holy Bible scriptures every day, particularly these verses to help you realize that God is your protector, your provider and your deliverer (1 John 3:8) . In as much as the fruitcake devil wants you to think he is all powerful and has his minions everywhere, in fact, you can bind the devil and his followers using the Word of God (Matthew 18:18) and tell the devil to go according to James 4:6-8. c) Find a support network. Join a good Bible-based church that knows about the power of Jesus Christ and the healing and delivering power of Holy Spirit. Join different Bible study groups to increase your knowledge and understanding of how to fight back against the enemy. Once you know you are not in this alone, it is much easier to combat the enemy’s lies with the Word of God. d) Quote scripture at the devil the same way Jesus conquered the devil. There are a number of scriptures that will help kick that fruitcake demon out of your house. James 4:4-8 scriptures says, ‘Submit yourself to God. Resist the devil and he must flee,’ underline must. In other words, the devil has to submit to the authority of Jesus’ name so he must go when you command the devil to GO in Jesus’ name. Another useful scripture is Matthew 18:18 that tells you to bind the devil from coming against you and your family and loose the angels to come and bless you and your family and community. Other useful scriptures include Isaiah 54:17 that says ‘No weapon shall prosper against me’ and ‘No thought shall prosper against me.’ e) Every day you should say, ‘Fear go in Jesus’ powerful name!’ You might have to do this several times a day, every day for several months until you feel strong enough in the Word of God and with your new Christian support group. When you get mature in your walk with Jesus Christ, you can learn to laugh at the devil’s lies. But until you can do this, keep fighting back quoting the Word of God at the devil’s temptations. You are not to fight the devil. You quote the Word of God to remind the devil you have the victory in Jesus’ name. Don’t argue or even listen to the fruitcake lies of the devil as he plays the same broken record over and over to try to get you to believe his lies. Rebuke the devil saying, ‘Silence in the name of Jesus’ and then start singing worship songs to Jesus. When you have renounced all evil and have made Jesus the Lord of your life, you can say to the devil, ‘You have no authority over me. I am submitted to God. Flee in Jesus’ mighty name.’ f) Put on the full armor of God. Ephesians chapter 6 tells us a lot about the spiritual realm. It says we wrestle not with flesh and blood (your battle is not against people) but powers and principalities of darkness in high places. That means that we need to put on our spiritual armor every morning, including the helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, the belt of truth, the shoes of peace, the sword of the spirit and the shield of faith. g) Get rid of all lusts of the world. One of the ways demons work on you is through the spirit of lust, whether the lust for money or another person or lust for fame. Turn away from any secular event, including ungodly concerts, musicals or friends that don’t have Jesus Christ in the center of worship. Even some love stories that focus on romantic love can make you feel that other people can save you which again, is a lie since only Jesus saves. Once you focus on the peace, goodness and love of Jesus, and die to the ways of the world, many of your lusts will disappear. h) Forgive others for their trespasses. It is written if we do not forgive people, then we will not be forgiven. In fact the Holy Bible scriptures says the tormentors will be unleashed upon you if you do not forgive but hold grudges against others. Why is this? Because when you forgive others, you are no longer a victim and you don’t give the enemy a foothold in your life. i) Realize God Loves You. What this also means is to stop caring about what other people think and care more about what God thinks as you focus on the plan God has for your life. When we put Jesus Christ as the supreme authority in our lives, and not make people gods, we are not hurt about what they say or think about us. Remember, God is in control, not people, so don’t allow them to bring you down and make you feel worthless. God loves you and sees you as priceless! He saved me from hell and he can save you too! Don’t give up! j) Frightening thoughts are really harmless. If you have problems with tormenting thoughts you can’t get rid of, render the thoughts as lies and say ‘That is NOT my thought!’ k) If you have torments of self harm, say “Fear GO in Jesus’ name”, over and over and over again until you feel calmer and you realize your fear is just a lie or just a simple temptation sent to you by the fruitcake devil. For every negative image you are given, give yourself an equally positive one, and not having a care in the world. There are tons more angels than demons so never be demon focused. Be Jesus focused and Bible focused. l) Have four hour prayer sessions at least twice a week. In the first hour, thank God for all the things you are thankful for. In the next hour, do some singing to worship God. In the following two hours, pray for people across the world, the sick, or the oppressed, or anyone in positions of leadership. The Bible says that those who bless and pray for others shall be blessed. When you are in your four hour prayer sessions focused only on Jesus, ask for all the gifts of Holy Spirit found in 1 Corinthians Chapter 12. Treat prayer as a date with Jesus! m) Above all, know that you are not in this alone. Many people have been in your circumstances, people who have been unknowingly dealing with the occult and have gotten into trouble and they have overcome. You can too with the help of Jesus Christ and daily studying the Holy Bible. |
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Conclusion: You too can be saved and delivered from the enemyI am not saying my deliverance was an easy process and it took a while before I could get rid of a lot of that fear and havoc the fruitcake devil created in my life. There are only a few moments now and again, where a fearful thought comes, which I now realize are simply temptations from the devil,. I rebuke all evil thoughts as soon as I can and never dwell on sad or depressing thoughts. Grief of the world leads to death so don’t spend 80 years crying over a lost love one but get going on the work that Jesus Christ has for you to do. On some days, I even laugh at the devil’s temptations as I study the Bible every day. I know that with each passing day as I grow stronger and stronger in the faith of the Lord and care less about the approval of others, I am healed in the name of Jesus. I often say, ‘Who cares what others think. God is in control.’ Instead of giving up on doing some task I realize ‘I can do all things through God who strengthens me’ which is found in Philippians 4:13, even if his timeline is a bit longer and different than my own. And if I who was held captive by the devil for three and half months can be freed, so you can you. Don’t wait a minute longer. Apply these Scriptural principles and get into a bible based church immediately. Get healing and relief immediately as you call on Jesus to help you. God loves all of his children and wants none of us to perish! John 10:10 clearly states what I have just shared as it states that the devil comes to kill, steal and destroy but Jesus came to give life and life more abundant. Live in the abundant life full of Jesus’ peace as your follow His Word. Remember as you commit your life to Jesus that Jesus will NEVER leave you NOR forsake you. He will never leave you in your struggle. He wants to rescue all people from hell and give people the gift of eternal life. A servant of God PS. Hope you enjoyed this testimony as Servants For Jesus Christ wants all to learn the Holy Bible that healing and deliverance belongs to the Christian (receive your miracle by faith). Click on this video link about a witch doctor getting saved and healed by Jesus Christ! |
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