Inspiration About Jesus Christ And The Holy Bible For September 7 2021

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Jesus Christ loves you and is calling you to repent and get rescued from your sins! Get to know Jesus Christ better by studying the Holy Bible every day and learn that God has a plan for your life!

Inspiration: A businessman had just become a Christian and started reading the Bible daily. One day at a restaurant, his brother asked him a question about going to heaven.  This businessman didn’t know what to say and bowed his head and asked God “How should I answer this question?”  As soon as he had finished asking God that question, he found himself saying almost without thinking,  “If you confess me before men, I will confess you before the Father,  if you deny me before men I will deny you before the Father.”  The businessman man was amazed as it seemed God spoke Luke 12:8-9 word for word directly through him to his brother.   His brother started to stand up for Christ after that.  We can be so much more effective for the kingdom of God when we start to memorize scripture and study it so deeply that Bible promises become deeply embedded in us so we never doubt when trials or end time hardships come our way.   Jesus Christ Is the Light Of The World and Inspiration For All

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Servants For Jesus Christ is a 501 C3 Registered Non Profit Ministry in USA! Helping all to make a full commitment to Jesus Christ and daily study the Holy Bible!
tags: godliness, holiness